Created By : Sunil Kumar Gandipadala

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : Apr 10, 2023

Average Velocity Calculator for u = 677 m/min, v = 649 km/h gives the Avg. Velocity 95.780556 m/s quickly along with step by step procedure.


Ex: 10, 167, 48, 34.5 or 90


Inital Velocity (u)
Final Velocity (v)

Step by Step Process to find Average Velocity for u = 677 m/min, v = 649 km/h

Average velocity (v) of an object is equal to its final velocity (v) plus initial velocity (u), divided by two.

So from the above sentence, we get the formula i.e

(v + u) / 2


v = Average Velocity

u = Initial velocity

v = Final velocity

Step by Step Solution to find Average Velocity (v) of u = 677 m/min & v = 649 km/h :

Given that,

Initial velocity (u) = 677 m/min

Final velocity (v) = 649 km/h

Convert Initial Velocity 677 m/min to " m/s"

Initial Velocity in m/s = 677 ÷ 60

Initial Velocity in m/s = 11.283333 m/s

Convert Final Velocity 649 km/h to " m/s"

Final Velocity in m/s = 649 ÷ 3.6

Final Velocity in m/s = 180.277778 m/s

Substitute the value into the formula

( 180.277778 + 11.283333 ) / 2

v = 95.780556 m/s

∴ Average Velocity (v) = 95.780556 m/s

Average Velocity for u = 677 m/min, v = 649 km/h Results in different Units
Values Units
95.780556 m/s
344.81 km/hr
314.240678 f/s
214.261103 mph
0.009578 km/s
0.059384 mi/s
18854.440673 ft/m
5746.833333 m/min
9578.055556 cm/sec