Created By : Sunil Kumar Gandipadala

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : Apr 10, 2023

Calculate Impact Force for m = 48 lb, v = 83 mph & d = 100 mm i.e. 149865.312748 N instantly taking the help of free online Impact Force Calculator along with detailed solution.


Ex: 10, 167, 48, 34.5 or 90


Body Mass
Impact Velocity
Collision Distance

Detailed Procedure to Calculate Impact Force for m = 48 lb, v = 83 mph & d = 100 mm

The formula for impact force expressed in terms of the body's velocity (speed) on impact (v), its mass (m), and the collision distance (d) is the formula below:

F =
m x v2 / d


F = Impact Force

m = Mass of object

v = velocity

d = collision distance

Step by Step Solution to find impact force of Mass = 48 lb & Velocity = 83 mph & Distance = 100 mm:

Given that,

mass (m) = 48 lb

velocity (v) = 83 mph

distance (d) = 100 mm

Convert the mass 48 lb to "Kilograms (kg)"

Mass in Kg = 48 ÷ 2.204623

Mass in kg = 21.7724 kg

Convert Velocity value 83 mph to " m/s"

Velocity in m/s = 83 ÷ 2.237

Velocity in m/s = 37.1033 m/s

Convert Distance value 100 mm to " m"

Distance in m = 100 ÷ 1000

Distance in m = 0.1 m

Substitute the value into the formula

F =
21.7724 x (37.1033)2 / 0.1

F = 149865.312748 N

∴ Imapct Force (F) = 149865.312748 N

Impact Force for m = 48 lb, v = 83 mph & d = 100 mm Results in different Units
Values Units
149865.312748 newton (N)
149.865313 kilonewtons (KN)
0.149865 meganewtons (MN)
33691.071093 pounds-force (lbf)