Impulse and Momentum Calculator Created By : awnish Reviewed By : Phani Ponnapalli Last Updated : Apr 10, 2023 Choose a Calculation Find Impulse : | Given Initial velocity (v₁) and Final velocity (v₂) and Mass Find Initial velocity (v₁) : | Given Impulse and Final velocity (v₂) and Mass Find Final velocity (v₂) : | Given Impulse and Initial velocity (v₁) and Mass Find Mass : | Given Impulse and Initial velocity (v₁) and Final velocity (v₂) Initial velocity (v₁) meters per second (m/s) kilometers per hour (km/h) miles per second (mi/s) feet per second (ft/s) feet per minute (ft/min) knots miles per hour (mph) Final velocity (v₂) meters per second (m/s) kilometers per hour (km/h) miles per second (mi/s) feet per second (ft/s) feet per minute (ft/min) knots miles per hour (mph) Mass kilograms (kg) metric tons (t) pounds (lb) ounces (oz) stones (stone) atomic mass unit (u) US tons (US ton) Long tons (Long ton) Calculate Reset Choose a Calculation: Find Impulse: | Given Force and Time Find Force : | Given Impulse and Time Find Time : | Given Impulse and Force Force newtons (N) kilonewtons (kN) meganewtons (MN) giganewtons (GN) teranewtons (TN) Time seconds (sec) minutes (min) hours (hrs) Calculate Reset Choose a Calculation: Find Momentum : | Given mass and Velocity Find mass : | Given Momentum and Velocity Find Velocity : | Given Momentum and mass Mass kilograms (kg) metric tons (t) pounds (lb) ounces (oz) stones (stone) atomic mass unit (u) US tons (US ton) Long tons (Long ton) Velocity meters per second (m/s) kilometers per hour (km/h) miles per second (mi/s) feet per second (ft/s) feet per minute (ft/min) knots miles per hour (mph) Calculate Reset