Fisica Calculadora
Velocity Calculator
Acceleration Calculator
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Kinetic Energy Calculator
Physics Answers
A train is travelling at 50m/s. How long does it take the train to reach 60m/s if it accelerates at a constant rate of 0.5m/s^2? How many kilometres does it travel in this time?
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A footballer kicks a ball vertically upwards. Initially, the ball is stationary. His boot is in contact with the ball for 0.050s. The average resultant force on the ball during this time is 180N. The ball leaves his foot at 20m/s. Calculate the impulse
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1. At the end of a marathon sweat covered runners are given a shiny foil sheet to stop them cooling down too quickly. a) Suggest why the runner may cool down too quickly without the foil sheet (1) b.) Explain how the foil sheet reduces heat loss(2)
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